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A Battery Life Cycle Approach to Electrification

A Battery Life Cycle Approach to Electrification
How battery management systems and monitoring capabilities are powering a sustainable future.
How battery management systems and monitoring capabilities are powering a sustainable future.

A Battery Life Cycle Approach to Electrification

A Battery Life Cycle Approach to Electrification
How battery management systems and monitoring capabilities are powering a sustainable future.
Sustainable power generation is serious business.
Sustainable power generation is serious business.
For much of the world, the transition away from fossil fuels is well underway. Whether it’s the growth of electric vehicles (EVs) or the adoption of renewable energy sources, the shift toward a carbon-neutral economy is having a major impact on consumers, businesses and countries alike. Even in carbon-heavy countries such as China, where air quality is a constant concern1, the move toward electrification is transforming cities like Shenzhen2. The city, located in China’s Guangdong province and internationally recognized for its smart power grid, is at the “forefront for electrification3.” It became the world’s first city to replace its entire diesel bus fleet with electric vehicles4. The city was able to reduce CO2 emissions by 48% by introducing electric buses and eliminating diesel buses, which produced 20% of Shenzhen’s transport emissions5
Public policy and consumer demand for more eco-friendly power solutions will continue to drive these investments in electrification due to its life-changing potential. From electrified mining equipment that eliminates harmful diesel emissions, to microgrids in remote villages in Tanzania, electrification efforts can improve the quality of life for everyone.
Sustainable power generation is serious business.
Sustainable power generation is serious business.
For much of the world, the transition away from fossil fuels is well underway. Whether it’s the growth of electric vehicles (EVs) or the adoption of renewable energy sources, the shift toward a carbon-neutral economy is having a major impact on consumers, businesses and countries alike. Even in carbon-heavy countries such as China, where air quality is a constant concern1, the move toward electrification is transforming cities like Shenzhen2. The city, located in China’s Guangdong province and internationally recognized for its smart power grid, is at the “forefront for electrification3.” It became the world’s first city to replace its entire diesel bus fleet with electric vehicles4. The city was able to reduce CO2 emissions by 48% by introducing electric buses and eliminating diesel buses, which produced 20% of Shenzhen’s transport emissions5
Public policy and consumer demand for more eco-friendly power solutions will continue to drive these investments in electrification due to its life-changing potential. From electrified mining equipment that eliminates harmful diesel emissions, to microgrids in remote villages in Tanzania, electrification efforts can improve the quality of life for everyone.
Public policy and consumer demand for more eco-friendly power solutions will continue to drive these investments in electrification due to its life-changing potential. From electrified mining equipment6 that eliminates harmful diesel emissions, to microgrids in remote villages in Tanzania7, electrification efforts can improve the quality of life for everyone.
In addition to performance, technology leaders in the electrification space, such as Analog Devices Inc. (ADI), must consider the entire battery life cycle, from battery formation and test, to end-of-life management and reuse in second life. ADI is committed to advancements to platforms that extend across the entire battery ecosystem and provide the foundation for the latest electrification efforts. These technologies take into account not only performance during operation but second life, or reuse, considerations, which are critical as society places greater demands on battery makers and automotive manufacturers to reduce the impact of battery waste.
Electrification By the Numbers
Think about the advancements made toward EVs; about a decade ago, they were still considered a novelty. Now, they are considered the norm in many countries, like Norway8. In the U.S., Tesla and other automakers continue to make major strides in bringing EVs to market. But electrification is more than just EVs. Batteries are bringing light to remote locations where electricity was once unimaginable.
Think about the advancements made toward EVs; about a decade ago, they were still considered a novelty. Now, they are considered the norm in many countries, like Norway. In the U.S., Tesla and other automakers continue to make major strides in bringing EVs to market. But electrification is more than just EVs. Batteries are bringing light to remote locations where electricity was once unimaginable.

Electrification By the Numbers

The world wants more sustainable energy solutions. Think about the advancements made toward EVs; about a decade ago, they were still considered a novelty. Now, they are considered the norm in many countries, like Norway. In the U.S., Tesla and other automakers continue to make major strides in bringing EVs to market. But electrification is more than just EVs. Batteries are bringing light to remote locations where electricity was once unimaginable.
Think about the advancements made toward EVs; about a decade ago, they were still considered a novelty. Now, they are considered the norm in many countries, like Norway8. In the U.S., Tesla and other automakers continue to make major strides in bringing EVs to market. But electrification is more than just EVs. Batteries are bringing light to remote locations where electricity was once unimaginable.
Batteries can act as short-term buffers on the grid for renewables, such as solar and wind9. They’re more flexible than other options, such as pumped hydro, because they don’t have the same geographical constraints. Another key driving factor is power system decentralization as consumers become their own energy producers, as in the use of rooftop solar panels, which increases demand for batteries to balance loads.
These factors have led to a 60% to 70% increase in storage battery demand between 2015 and 2018 10.
These factors have led to a 60% to 70% increase in storage battery demand between 2015 and 2018.
Key Factors to Consider
Key Factors to Consider
Meeting these market demands will depend heavily on the ability to adopt battery technologies that enable clean, stable power and fast charging as well as a sustainable solutions that allow for second life use of the battery.
Powering Change in the Himalayas
Powering Change in the Himalayas
Students at the Mahabodhi Residential School in the remote Himalayan Valley of Ladakh demonstrate the solar-powered robots they built in the region’s first-ever robotics lab. Years ago, this type of innovation in a village far from the bustling streets of Mumbai or Delhi would have been unthinkable. The communities of Ladakh are not easily accessible by road and lack access to many basic amenities that people often take for granted in the westernized world, including education and electricity.
In 2013, Paras Loomba, an engineer from India, launched an initiative called the Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE). The goal was to build a school using renewable building materials and solar energy. The mission is now an annual effort to bring electricity to villages in the region.
GHE’s efforts are helping communities in Ladakh transition from kerosene to decentralized microgrids to power their homes with LED lighting technology. In some ways, the villages are now more technologically advanced than many urban areas, according to Jaideep Bansal, energy access leader for the Global Himalayan Expedition.
The villagers use direct current, a small solar panel and battery to generate “enough energy to power up 10 LED lights, one streetlight, one LED TV, two fans and mobile charging points.” Energy consumption is less than a single tube light in a New York subway station, according to Bansal.  They also use net metering to feed energy back into the grid system, which reduces stress on the grid infrastructure and incentivizes the use of renewables.
In 2013, Paras Loomba, an engineer from India, launched an initiative called the Global Himalayan Expedition (GHE). The goal was to build a school using renewable building materials and solar energy. The mission is now an annual effort to bring electricity to villages in the region.
GHE’s efforts are helping communities in Ladakh transition from kerosene to decentralized microgrids to power their homes with LED lighting technology17. In some ways, the villages are now more technologically advanced than many urban areas, according to Jaideep Bansal, energy access leader for the Global Himalayan Expedition18.
The villagers use direct current, a small solar panel and battery to generate “enough energy to power up 10 LED lights, one streetlight, one LED TV, two fans and mobile charging points.” Energy consumption is less than a single tube light in a New York subway station, according to Bansal19. They also use net metering to feed energy back into the grid system, which reduces stress on the grid infrastructure and incentivizes the use of renewables.
The program has already had a significant social impact on the communities in Ladakh.
The program has already had a significant social impact on the communities in Ladakh.
Villages Electrified
Lives Being Impacted
Total Tons of Carbon Offset
150 KW
of Solar Generated Power
For GHE participants, sustainability is a key guiding principle that goes beyond electrification. Organic farming, zero waste and recycling are among other environmentally friendly practices they engage in. Similarly, technology providers need to consider a holistic approach to electrification to ensure their solutions benefit the environment throughout their entire life cycle.
Enabling the Battery Journey into Second Life
It’s estimated that 100 to 120 GWh of electric vehicle batteries will be retired by 2030, a volume roughly equivalent to current annual battery production20.” That means battery makers and the rest of the electrification supply chain must think about how they will manage battery production, operation and reuse or recycle to ensure they remain sustainable solutions to the world’s energy needs. It requires a laser-sharp focus on each step along the battery life cycle highlighted in the graphic below.
Why Second Life Matters
Why Second Life Matters
The road to electrification continues after EVs hit the highway and the lights turn on. Providers of energy solutions have a responsibility to ensure their products have a minimal carbon footprint. Current battery production is an energy-intensive process that requires a great deal of raw materials. Second-life batteries are gaining traction as an option to minimize waste21.  And in some regions, including California and China, public policy is requiring it22.

Electric Vehicle Lifespan

Typically, vehicle owners must replace EV batteries after they lose about 20% of their capacity, which means the remaining 80% capacity could be used for stationary storage applications23. Accessing that remaining battery life could cut costs and greenhouse gas emissions but comes with several challenges, according to a Greentech Media report24. This includes the need for extensive testing and upgrades to ensure reliable performance and a steady battery supply, customer demand and access to funding in order to be successful.

Reliability and Longevity

Reliability and demand are dependent upon technological advancements that are already underway25. Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) is one example of an industry solutions provider that has made several strides in the area of battery system development to increase reliability and longevity. This includes a BMS that monitors, controls and distributes the reliable charge and discharge of the entire battery system during its lifetime. Accurate monitoring of battery cells ensures maximum capacity utilization, an essential factor to consider for second-life use.

Battery Health and Second Life Use

ADI’s BMS attaches directly to each cell in the stack, delivering information about voltage and temperature, all coordinated with cell current. This provides critical information about the state of charge and battery health. ADI’s wireless battery management solutions also allow for a modular design, so batteries can be used in a wide range of applications.

The Road Ahead

The adoption of high-performing, efficient battery technologies open opportunities for use in a wide range of applications, from powering remote communities to the latest EVs rolling off the assembly line.


ADI provides the sensors, integrated circuits, monitoring capabilities and analytics that users need to ensure safe, reliable performance that also enable second-life availability. ADI believes in building sustainable partnerships to bring all of these critical components together in a single system to make electrification a reality around the world.

Additional Resources

Renewable Future

Analog Devices’ wireless battery management systems (wBMS) meet the industry’s demand for a safe, flexible solution without the cost and mechanical challenges of traditional wired harness systems, helping OEMs efficiently scale electrified vehicles in their operations. For more information on ADI’s wireless battery management systems.
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Vehicle Electrification

Analog Devices is helping drive electric vehicle (EV) adoption to bring the world closer to a renewable future. Learn more about how ADI’s battery management systems are bringing renewable energy to areas without electricity and powering the world through energy storage technology.
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Will COVID Accelerate Electrification?

Satellite and ground images of the Indian subcontinent prior to the spread of COVID-19 and after a nationwide stay-at-home order was issued for the country’s 1.3 billion citizens. The change in human activity has been reduced significantly, resulting in less polluting emissions and cleaner, healthier skies.

Additional Resources

Vehicle Electrification

Analog Devices’ wireless battery management systems (wBMS) meet the industry’s demand for a safe, flexible solution without the cost and mechanical challenges of traditional wired harness systems, helping OEMs efficiently scale electrified vehicles in their operations. For more information on ADI’s wireless battery management systems.
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Renewable Future

Analog Devices is helping drive electric vehicle (EV) adoption to bring the world closer to a renewable future. Learn more about how ADI’s battery management systems are bringing renewable energy to areas without electricity and powering the world through energy storage technology.
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Vehicle Electrification

Electric vehicle adoption is expected to grow from 2% today to over 20% by 2030. See how Analog Devices' capabilities in battery formation and test, battery management, and other E-mobility solutions are enabling this market shift.
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Additional Resources

Vehicle Electrification

Analog Devices’ wireless battery management systems (wBMS) meet the industry’s demand for a safe, flexible solution without the cost and mechanical challenges of traditional wired harness systems, helping OEMs efficiently scale electrified vehicles in their operations. For more information on ADI’s wireless battery management systems.
View Strategies Guide

Renewable Future

Analog Devices is helping drive electric vehicle (EV) adoption to bring the world closer to a renewable future. Learn more about how ADI’s battery management systems are bringing renewable energy to areas without electricity and powering the world through energy storage technology.
View Solution Profile